Board of Directors
Corina Van de Pol
Dr. Corina van de Pol is passionate about volunteering. She has been a Lion for 15 years and served on international Lions Club vision missions for almost 30 years. Her first clinic trip was to Chile in 1990 with Help the World See, a predecessor to Lions in Sight. Since then, she has completed over 75 missions and vision screenings in 16 countries.
Corina served in the US Army for 26 years as an optician, maintenance officer, optometrist, and research optometrist. After retiring from the Army as a Lt. Colonel, she joined AcuFocus, Inc., a medical device company. For 10 years she managed their clinical trials for the development and eventual FDA approval of the KAMRA corneal inlay. Currently, Corina is responsible for the geometric and physical optics, and the ocular anatomy and physiology courses at the Southern California College of Optometry (SCCO) at Marshall B. Ketchum University. She serves as the faculty advisor for both the SVOSH and the Lions chapters at SCCO.
Tamara Sternod
1st Vice President
Tamara Sternod, a licensed optician, has worked in optical since 1996 and is currently an optician at Sam’s Club in Reno, Nevada. She is a 7-year Board Member of the Nevada State Board of Dispensing Opticians.
Ms. Sternod is a member of the Reno Host Lions Club and will serve as president of the club in 2020 during the club’s 100th anniversary. She has attended many LIS clinic trips in the past four years. Ms. Sternod and her husband manage a Lions Club eyeglass recycling center. The glasses they collect are shipped to LIS multiple times per year.
Kush Bodhan
Khush Bodhan, a CPA since 1981 and real estate broker, spent his career working as an accountant with Deloitte and Touche in London and San Francisco. From Deloitte he owned and operated the ASK Accountax and ASK Real Estate corporations.
Mr. Bodhan joined the Amador Valley Lions Club in 2004. During that year he actively worked to rescue the Lions Center for the Blind in Oakland from closure. Mr. Bodhan, along with Michael Cohen, Dave Gregerson, and help from Ed Cossart and Lyle Morris reduced the Blind Center deficit from $200,000 to $6,000. He was awarded the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award in 2005 in acknowledgement of his efforts. Mr. Bodhan’s interest and support for LIS occured after a LIS clinic trip to Vera Cruz, Mexico. He served as LIS President in 2012.
Mr. Bodhan credits his parents with his desire to help others. They spent innumerable hours giving service to the less fortunate in India and often had Mother Teresa as a visitor in their home.
Area Directors
Area 1 John Lynch, PDG
Area 1 John Robak, PDG
Area 2 Tania Mantau
Area 2 Alan King, 2nd VDG
Area 3 Lillette Quesnoy
Area 4 John Ruiz, PDG
Area 4 Leonard Blottin, PDG
District 46 Larry Winkler
Jack Epperson, PID
Paul Wagner
4-C2 Jerry Coleman
Jaymie Kilgore
Graham Forder
4-C3 Phillis Neitling
Carl Langhorst
Leanne Hamaji
4-C4 Eleanor Britter
Verdie Thompson
4-C6 Joe Pugliese
Linda Pugliese, 1st VDG
Larry Hidalgo
Art Low
4-A2 Victoria Baxter
4-L1 Wayne Hoffmeyer
District 46 Marcia Newyear